
I started my first blog 2 years ago. It didn't make much money at first but now I'm making a LIVING!!! I blog about 5 hours a week, it doesn't take very much of my time at all.  Good Luck!!

Take a look below to get started!

Basic Way To Make Money Online

Many people think making money online is so difficult, and it's not! It may take time before you make any money, spending just a few hours online a week will do the trick. Here's what you do:

Create a Blog 

 Websites have a monthly fee but most blogs are free! The blog site I recommend is blogger.com It's completely free!! 

Create a blog that YOUR interested in

If your writing something that your not really interested in, then your site is not going to shine at all. Create a site you interested in!

Advertise ON YOUR site   

When you've created your blog @ blogger.com there's a tab that says Monetize. You go in that tab and Sign up for AdSense and sign up with Amazon Associates. You or friends should not click on your own ads, you might get banned from using them.